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Description: H:\webpage - Copy\chi\imgs\p1_00_001.jpgCorporate Philosophy

  • Have an interest in people

  • Have an interest in something new

  • Have an interest in the future

Description: H:\webpage - Copy\chi\imgs\p1_00_001.jpgPrecept

Man is interesting,
then customers as well as companies are constituted of such men.
All the economic principles and the management theories are based upon human behavior pattern.
Have an interest in people.

New things always excite us to expectation.
Customers, marketplaces are dug up with technical innovation & product development,
which makes people active.
Have an interest in something new.

It is pleasant to imagine the future.
The future is in favor of children.
Thinking of the future, we know companies as well as people shall not live all alone.
Without customers’ growth, albeit some profit is brought to us, it would never last long.
In consequence, neither we nor companies can keep alive unless admitted into the society.
Have an interest in the future.

Description: H:\webpage - Copy\chi\imgs\p1_00_001.jpgOur business creed, “Full Achievement”


Under our business creed “Full Achievement” each of us shall set to work with modest pride as a member of Dainichiseika group taking on the responsibility for *1 Color-Age.

  • Work always to be achieved with aiming at the end.

  • Pursue the opportunities of expanding our products to the world with good knowledge of products.

  • Enhance the trust of our company through business or products.

  • Have an opportunity to always cultivate ourselves, and to deepen reflection as a member of society.

  • Make Dainichiseika group the most valuable company by performing services for the society through business.

Description: H:\webpage - Copy\chi\imgs\p1_00_001.jpgBasic CSR Policy

The principles in this CSR policy are applied to Dainichiseika and the entire Daicolor Group.

[Human rights]

We respect basic human rights and do not support the violation of human rights.


We respect the diversity, personality and individuality of our employees. We make sure opportunities for employment and secure a safe and comfortable work circumstances. We do not engage in forced labors or children's labors.


As an essential topic, we treat the coexistence of natural environment and company. We strive to prevent pollution, effectively use limited resources, preserve and restore the natural environment.


We compete fairly, openly and freely and act in accordance with fair business, and do not engage in any unethical (unlawful) act whatsoever. We also comply with the laws and regulations (and other items agreed upon), nationally and internationally.


We continue to deliver and provide our products and our services that are safe, friendly to environment and beneficial to the society.


Always bearing in mind that we are members of society, we participate in community activities firmly and strive to maintain orderliness and safety of the civil society. We also ensure the appropriate disclosure of information on our corporate activities in public.

[Protection of information]

We ensure the protection of corporate information assets and personal information, which are our treasures.

[Risk control]

We evaluate the results of our businesses regularly so that new risks can be detected at an early stage and strive to eliminate such risks.

[Management resources]

We strive to appropriately distribute management resources, the source of our corporate activities, and to generate profits.


To achieve the herein stated, we continue to provide education to all members of the board and all our employees in our effort in order to elevate the CSR implementation structure.